3 Tips to Get a Pay Raise!

salary Nov 29, 2023

Money today.

Inside, I’ve got a sweet video on the economic state of affairs and 3 glorious tips on how to get a pay raise.

You can use these with your current employer or new employer.

I’m not partial.

I just care about you getting lots of dinero.

I cover how to assess your future value based on your current trajectory, picking up additional responsibilities, and taking on new initiatives.

It’s your basic smorgasbord of dollars, cents, euros, yen, reals, pesos, pounds, francs, or whatever your currency happens to be!

If you love, love, love this free version of the lesson, check below to see how to get the premium, all-out version.

Either way, think of me with every automatic deposit of your paycheck…


A month ago, I conducted a lesson with my leadership coaching group on how to create a comprehensive employee value plan. It was pretty epic.

I covered exactly how to develop a comprehensive value plan and document reflecting your past contributions, future impact, market value, and strategies to enhance your brand and influence within and outside your organization.

Members not only got the lesson, but also the workbook and assets that outline the details, reflection and evaluation exercise, and the challenge to assemble this plan.

All employees should have one of these even though 99.9% don’t.

Think about it.

You could be a 0.1%-er. And get paid like one.

Check out the program here.

The lesson is already waiting for you. No line.

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