Check out just a few of the many wonderful stories and featured lessons from people around the world using these tactics successfully to get their dream jobs! The program boasts members from nearly 200 countries, ranging in ages from 22 to 75, with a spectrum of job-pursuit and career-changing goals all leveraging the best job searching techniques! It makes no difference whether you are starting your career, a savvy executive, unemployed, been at your employer for many years, moving countries, or want to completely change careers. You'll see from these stories how the program can work for you!
She ran her own company for six years in an unrelated field to her previous corporate experience.
Her varied background created confusion on which companies and roles to pursue.
Without a clear path, networking and interviewing became very tricky.
She didn’t know how to package her most recent and corporate experience to show her true value.
She found herself out of work unexpectedly as the holiday season kicked off.
Based on her family situation, she needed a certain type of opportunity that offered a remote working arrangement.
Wasn't sure how to show her value, especially considering she is a "support" resource.
Admits she was previously preparing for interviews incorrectly.
She and her husband were exploring a move from Iran to Canada and got “stuck” in Canada because of the pandemic!
She had no network and didn’t know how to form one so she applied online for jobs, but despite a sensational financial background was having no luck.
Confused to begin with because of being in a new country, her confidence really started to wane after 10 months of unsuccessful job searching.
While she understood her financial value as it related to earnings in Iran, she had no idea of what she was worth or could earn in Canada.
His career in various fields and positions including consulting, educational system, corporate counsel, and law clerk created branding, storytelling, and future direction issues.
There are very few law clerk positions and, if successful in attaining one, he would likely need to move cities.
His wife and seven kids rely on him for support and care. That’s some pressure!
He started with a me-focused resume, getting interviews for positions he didn’t necessarily want rather than getting clarity on his path.
She and her husband moved from Canada to the United States. Didn't really understand how the US market worked.
She had been out of work for over a year and was trying to navigate a job search amidst the pandemic and no work visa.
She wasn't quite sure her Canadian HR experience transferred because it differs from US HR laws. She had a similar issue with her educational degrees.
She was not yet authorized to work in the US, so was trying to be productive in her search while pursing the visa process.
He and his family lived in Japan for 25 years and wanted to move back to the United States.
He had primarily been in the sports marketing arena and wanted to change to digital and technology space.
Being away from the US for so long left him with no network or stale at best. Bring a senior leader he knew he needed to build one quickly.
During his interviews, he realized he was having trouble with storytelling and didn't realize how he was coming across "through the camera."
One day she's in a great job and the next she unexpectedly finds herself unemployed.
She wanted to change from the non-profit sector to the commercial sector and needed to figure out the path.
She wanted to move to one of two targeted geographies. So, she chartered a job search path to do it.
She has a generalist background in non-profit and needed to figure out how to market and sell herself to commercial companies.
She had an accident and had a medical issue that kept her out of work to rehabilitate. Then, she started job searching and was having a lot of difficulty.
She wanted to break into a completely new area (CyberSecurity), but didn’t have the requisite skills or experience.
Double whammy. She didn’t know people to help her search and was at a disadvantage because, as an alliance director, employers wanted to hire someone with a network in the space.
Her targeted sector is predominantly male-oriented and there is something of a “good-ole-boys” affinity in this close-knit community.
She was a performance artist and fitness trainer and wanted to support an ESG organization in an analytical capacity.
She had virtually no hands-on experience related to these types of organizations or working in the kinds of roles she was interested in pursuing.
While educated, her studies didn't align to the change she wanted to make, so she needed to quickly supplement her resume with certifications and courses.
While networking, many people told her, "I don't get your background. I'm not sure how you'll fit." So, she needed to get her storytelling in order and focused on "feeding the funnel!"
He found himself out of work because of a management shakeup.
He is over 60 years old, which invites possible age discrimination from employers.
He wasn't sure how to show his value, especially considering his age.
He admits he was interviewing "all wrong."
She has run her own LLC for much of her career and straight through for the last eight years.
She is over 60 years old, which invites possible age discrimination from employers.
She is skilled in many areas related to creative products, but needed to figure out the best way to advertise her expertise.
It's been a long while since she job searched and hasn't really run a full-blown job search during her career.
Changed jobs a few times in his career, but never really needed to do a “full out” search. Was also at one company for a long time (18 years).
Worked at large companies, but now later in his career needed to search and faced potential age discrimination especially at startups.
He thought only publicized opportunities were available and limited his search to what was visible online.
Confused by this “new” style of interview, the types of questions asked, and wasn’t having luck because of the odd approach employers used during interviews.
He just took a new job and within the first month realized he needed to get out. Touchy to say the least.
He is well-credentialed, but still in the potential ageism category. Plus, he could be construed as a job hopper.
He needed to make sure he had the proper way to explain his situation to potential employers.
Turns out, his biggest issue became which job offer to accept. Any of them doubled his pay!
She was in the public sector in Kansas and wanted to move into the private sector (got a job with a software company!).
She has family on both coasts in the US. She is moving to the East Coast and knows she will eventually move to the West Coast. Needs flexibility.
Her experience and skill level were well-above her current compensation level. When she moved to Kansas, she took a significant pay-cut.
Because of her diverse background, she wanted to ensure her search was focused not on what she could do, but what she truly wanted to do.
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