Please Note: This special pricing for your membership is a subscription. It will renew each year on the exact date you originally enroll. You get to keep this discounted membership rate until you cancel, which you can do at any time.
Welcome to this fantastic opportunity to expand your leadership skills and your career!
I want to congratulate you for taking a giant step toward investing in yourself.
I'd like to reward your effort by providing this incredible opportunity to join my leadership mentoring program for 50% off the monthly rate. For an annual enrollment of $297/year, you'll save $291 over the next 12 months!
This rate will be yours until you cancel your membership (which you can do at any time and see below for more details on that).
With this membership program you'll receive:
- Live monthly sessions with Q&A where I'll train you on my best leadership development insights to help you reach your highest level of performance and enjoyment in all you do!
- Access to current and archived recordings (as long as your membership remains active).
- Monthly workbooks, lessons, challenges and more to ensure you are "working the lessons."
- Ongoing Support to interact with me and my team.
- Private Community platform to collaborate with other like-minded individuals.
- Mega bonuses including my Career Accelerator Program, Goal Setting Masterclass, and Productivity Challenge--$891 worth of courses FREE--while you are an active member of the program.
Enroll NOW! It’ll be fun!!
If you need to cancel:
You can cancel at any time and won't be billed again, however, a cancellation does not refund any previous charges because we delivered for you.
As long as you are subscribed to the program, you will have access to the members area with all these resources!
You can cancel your subscription within the training system or by emailing us at [email protected].
We will keep in contact with you via the email you provide here on an ongoing basis unless you unsubscribe.