Productivity Minicamp FREE Training Series!

Having difficulty making progress in your life? Not getting the right stuff done? Want to be more organized?

Join me for this FREE 5-part series starting Monday, March 27th through Thursday, March 30th!


If you’re someone who wants to live a fulfilled life and have a sensational career, I’m here for you! As a former consulting leader and executive recruiter turned career coach, I’ve learned how to accomplish significant feats in my professional life AND personal life. Working directly with more than 350 companies and 20,000 individuals in over 100 countries, you learn a thing or two about success, high performance, and what it takes to be THE best. I've package up some of my highly-effective productivity techniques into this free multi-day series to help you accomplish whatever you want in life!

"I will encourage anyone whose mind runs 24x7, on the hamster wheel, or can be scattered and at the end of the day wonders where did the day go?...THIS productivity challenge is a must! I may be great at having 20 balls up in the air, but staying on task and to a timeframe has not always been easy for me. This makes it easy. You really should get in contact with the ADD/ADHD society and show them this program! --Jean Rebel

How will I benefit? What will I learn?

Youā€™ll learn my time-tested techniques to planning an effective week, running a high-output day, and executing projects that actually get finished! Through a series of videos, some pretty sweet free tools, and a live recap session, you'll be well on your way to increasing your concentration and outputs and eliminating distractions and overwhelm!

Lesson 1 (Mar 27th): Plan your weeks and days!

The five-day cycle is where the high output occurs—IF you know how to plan your week and each day. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War quote about every battle being won or lost before it is ever fought is so true when it comes to your weekly and daily outputs. If you cannot plan and schedule and fine-tune accordingly, you will never be able to produce the right stuff quickly. I’ll make sure you can!

Lesson 2 (Mar 28th): Work a high-output day!

You can plan all you want, but it won’t do any good if you can’t stick to a tight schedule and keep out distractions. Say “goodbye” to daily to-do lists. In my opinion, daily to-do lists are nothing more than a graveyard where important, but not urgent tasks go to die. If you want to be a high-value person that produces high-quality outputs, you need to run your day according to a schedule!

Lesson 3 (Mar 29th): Run projects that get results!

Every project, no matter its size, requires a certain cadence to get it done. Most people start too late, get hung up on the wrong things, and take far too long to complete projects. I use a five-stage, iterative methodology to get projects up and running and improve them over time—just the way life is supposed to be! It’s more fun when things are alive, active, and improving!


When you register now, I'll immediately send you my powerful one-page daily planning tool. All in one sheet, I share my approach to pre-work hours, getting the most out of your entire day, and ideal actions to take during post-work hours to ensure you effectively wrap your current day and plan for the next one. Plus you'll receive details on the full schedule including my live video premier and coaching session on March 30th!

"I feel like I'm on fire and it's spreading into my work and life routines. The combination of the business case project and the productivity challenge converged for me this past weekend. I was able to put my passion project out into the world. Version 1.0 and my mission, vision, and high-level project description are available!"

--Shelly Millet

Hey! I’m Andrew LaCivita!

I've used these very same productivity techniques to help me...

  • Found multiple successful businesses in the recruitment and employment professions after serving as a corporate leader who managed large groups of employees.
  • Serve on boards of organizations to help them set their direction.
  • Write multiple award-winning books on topics related to career development, recruitment and hiring, and goal setting.
  • Share my knowledge with millions of people annually via my online platform and weekly email digests.
  • Served as a trusted media resource for outlets such as ABC, Fox Business, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Inc. and many more.

"I'm eternally grateful for the amazing inspiration you've been over the past few months. I've seen so many positive changes in my life just because I've been trying to implement your productivity and leadership lessons. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart!!"

--Rohan Shah


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Andrew LaCivita's FREE Productivity Minicamp

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